Tuesday 11 June 2013

A sneak peek at my week...

1. Ice cream I made at my Fiancé's house. This is how we do our ice cream. Sauce, sprinkles (of many varieties and chocolate chips!

2. I am obsessed with strawberry scented stuff. I bought these two recently, the handwash smells like strawberry laces!!!

3. This is the picture I took of my blog banner once I had finished with it. Crappy picture, I know, but that's what I get for using a Blackberry!

4. Rich Tea biscuits are my all time favourite biscuits.

5. I finalised everything for starting my PGCE in September! Very exciting.

6. A beach view from  this weekend's trip to Tynemouth Long Sands.

7. My brother-in-law did a barbecue on Saturday...it was delicious! Mmmmmm.

8. I wore Disney Christmas themed leggings on Sunday to laze about the house in.

9. My Fiancé and I like to be silly sometimes.

Thank you for reading. 

x x x

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